
World Intellectual Property Day – 26 April 2024

Message from the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) – Intellectual Property and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): building our common future with innovation and creativity

World Intellectual Property Day 2024 is an opportunity to explore how intellectual property encourages and can foster the innovative and creative solutions that are so critical to building our shared future.

SDGs are a blueprint for people, peace, prosperity and our planet. Just as the challenges we face are multifaceted and complex, the SDGs are interdependent, with action in one area influencing outcomes in others. Development efforts must balance social, economic and environmental sustainability. We must act now and we must use all the tools at our disposal, especially our ingenuity and intellectual property, to achieve a sustainable future for all, everywhere.

See here how intellectual property fosters the innovation and creativity we need to drive human progress and connect intellectual property with the SDGs to make the world a better place.