On Wednesday, the 12th of February, the Hellenic Copyright Organization (HCO), in cooperation with the Regional educational planning centre (PEKES) of Western Greece, represented by its Head Coordinator Mr. Spyros Papadakis, and the Directorate of Secondary Education of Achaia, represented by the Head of Cultural Issues Mrs. E. Kostara, organized a seminar with the title “Copyright and related rights: Applications in Education and New Technologies”.
The seminar took place in the Experimental Lyceum of the University of Patras. Representatives of the HCO were welcomed by Mr. Papadakis and Mrs. Kostara.
The seminar was organized in the framework of the implementation of the EU funded programme titled “Educating youngsters and secondary school teachers about copyright in Greece and Cyprus”. The programme is transnational and is funded by the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO).
The seminar opened with the short speeches of Mr. Konstantinos Giannopoulos, peripheral director of education of Western Greece , Mr. Spyridon Papadakis, Organizational coordinator of PEKES of Western Greece, Mrs. Efrosyni Kostara, Heade of Cultural Issues of Directorate of secondary education of Achaia and Mr. Gerasimos Pomonis, Coordinator of Educational work, economy sector, PEKES of Western Greece.
The educators who attended the seminar were informed by Mrs. Moustaka about copyright issues and the importance of the work of authors and performers. In addition to that, the application of copyright to education and new technologies was discussed. Mrs. Eva Kokkinou, Head of the communication department of the HCO presented some useful material that can be used by educators as an aid in the classroom.
Popular singer and President of Board of Directors of Collecting Management Organization ‘ERATO’, Manolis Famellos also participated in the panel.
The seminar was attended by 80 teachers who received printed educational material which included a handbook for high-school pupils, a crossword and educational material created and translated in Greek by the EUIPO.
HCO representatives and Mr. Famellos responded to the questions of the educators that were mostly about issues of copyright in the educational procedure..
The following photos are from the seminar.