
 Event for the promotion of the educational program in Amfissa

On March 19 and 20, 2019, the Hellenic Copyright Organization (HCO) and the the Regional Directorates of Primary and Secondary Education of Fokida organized educational seminars at the Municipal Council Hall about Copyright and Related Rights for teachers and pupils .

More specifically, on Tuesday the 19th, the HCO held a seminar for school teachers of Primary and Secondary Education. Mrs. Athina Kastana, Head of Educational Matters of the Regional Directorate of Primary Education of Fokida, Mr. Theodoros Mitalas, Head of School Activities of the Regional Directorate of Primary Education of Fokida and Mrs. Asimina Misirli, Head of School Activities of the Regional Directorate of Secondary Education of Fokida, welcomed the representatives of the HCO.

The objective of the first seminar was to inform teachers of Primary and Secondary Education of Fokida about the educational programme «Copyright and Related Rights» and the importance of the work of authors (writers, visual artists, photographers, music composers, software engineers, etc.) and of related rights’ rightholders (performers, musicians, publishers, films and phonograms producers). The seminar was focused to copyright on education since both teachers and pupils use and also produce copyright protected material during the educational process.

The representatives of the HCO replied to copyright protection related questions posed by the teachers.

On Wednesday the 20th, the representatives of the HCO, talked to the students of the 5th and 6th grade of the First and Third Primary Schools of Amfissa, the 6th grade of the Second Primary School of Amfissa and the 5th grade of the Fourth Primary School of Amfissa.

Mrs Maria Sinanidou, scientific associate of the HCO, talked to the children about the importance of Copyright protection for the development of arts. The children had the opportunity to learn by playing the quiz game of the web site and to view the “Orpheus creating…” short animated film. Mrs. Sinanidou, used the pupils’ responses to the quiz, to explain to them the basic principles of Copyright.

Informative and educational printed material, including handbooks for teachers and pupils, a comic book about copyright, posters, stickers and postcards with the logo of the programme were handed out to both teachers and pupils.

The following photos were taken during the events.