
School visit and seminar organization about Copyright in Korinthos

On Friday, February the 10th 2017, a representative of the Hellenic Copyright Organization (HCO) visited the Elementary School of Isthmia of Korinthos in order to make a presentation about copyright and to discuss copyright related issues with the pupils of the fifth and the sixth grade.

In the afternoon, the HCO and the Directorate of Secondary Education of Korinthos, organized an educational seminar with the title «Copyright and Education».

The event took place in the 3rd High school of Korinthos. Its objective was to inform teachers of primary and secondary education of Korinthos about copyright and education issues. Furthermore, teachers were informed about the educational programme with the title «Copyright and Related Rights» that was designed by the HCO. There was also a presentation of the content that is available in the web site that was produced for the educational programme.

Informative material was distributed to the 20 teachers who attended the seminar. The material included a handbook about copyright, handbooks for teachers and pupils, a comic book, posters etc.

The following photos were taken during the events.